
2021 – Graduation project for my Bachelor’s degree

Augnablik, or "Moment", was my BA project at the Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2021 and is now sold at Epal, one of Iceland's oldest design shop (link). The name comes from trying to neutralise the ever-changing character of nature. The forces of nature constantly reshape our earth. What we see today may change tomorrow. In this work, I capture moments of natural beauty in time and space, savouring their magic.

I examine various forms in nature, often enlargening the small, finding myself mesmerised by fascinating patterns and colours that appear only for a moment. According to the Icelandic dictionary, "Augnablik" is a brief moment or the period it takes someone to blink an eye. You can relate this definition to photography, where the camera catches a moment in time by swiftly opening and closing its lens.

I have always taken photos. Ever since I was little, I have worn a camera. It has always been a big part of how I perceive the environment – how I see it in a photograph. I have also written in a diary all my life and have long wanted to include something related to writing in my work. So I thought that now was the perfect time to do that, as my work was a kind of study of nature.

Also as the photos were taken from lots of different places and moments in my life. I have always been rather abstract in my work and started to take out colours in the pictures, finding out when and where they were taken and remembering the moment behind them.

Along with the book and this color study, I created series of posters from the colors. After doing the preparatory work and making a palette out of the pictures, it was nice to see how it was possible to continue working and create something new like these works.

Final touches before the exhibiton

Preview of the book, just before it was finished.